Sunday, January 7, 2007

Witch Camps??

          What are these camps? What are these camps for? And just who do they serve? These camps are in Africa. They are camps for women who are accused of being Witches. They go to these camps to hide from those who wish to kill them. They live in fear for their lives. I find this very sick, and wrong. And so do a lot of other people. But let's stop and think about this for a minute. It is the myth that Witches are evil, and blood thirsty monsters that has caused these Witch camps to be opened. And just when will the madness stop? Now it is in one third world country. But just how soon before it comes over to the larger country's?

           I thought that something like this would happen. I really did. But I thought it would be years, and years down the road. I never thought, that in my lifetime it would start. It is sad, real sad that this has had to happen. I'm not going to go into details on here, but I do have three links where you may find out a lot more on these camps. And from my understanding, are saving many lives.

http://www.wwrn. org/article. php?idd=21917& sec=73&cont= 3
http://www.rickross .com/reference/ wicca/wicca51. html
http://news. s/nm/20070102/ od_nm/ghana_ witches1_ dc_1

     It is very sad, very sad indeed. And I hope, and I pray to the Lord, and Lady, that all Witches, and non-Witches who need the help, and the safety get what they need. And all the blessing in the world to them, and those that help them. Such a time we live in now. We are in the US think Witches have it good, and are not hunted, and killed. But we are. We don't hear about, because it's america, and our news system is run by the goverment. But around the world, Witches, and many other Pagans are hunted, and lynched, just for being Witches, or accused of being Witches. So when you go about your daily life, remember, there are others out there who have no freedom. And those to die for being Witches, and Pagans. It is a hard life for a lot of people. Just remeber these camps, and why they are there. And hope you, and I never have to go to one. Bright blessing to you, my brothers, and sisters in the Craft. May the Lord, and Lady guide you, and keep you safe. Elder RavenFire.


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