Sunday, January 21, 2007

Why Witchcraft will never be a mainstream religion.

   Oh, my Goddess, I never thought I would even be thinking this. I know why Witchcraft as been unknown, and in the shadows. It stays there because so many "Witches" And I use that term loosely. Are stuck up asshole's to other Witches who aren't just like them. I hold Witchcraft as a religion. It's very dear to my heart. And I get so called "Witches" who say, Witchcraft isn't a religion. Bullshit!

   In fact the meaning of religion is as follows:

Religion - from the Latin religio - (reverence for the gods)
A system of religious belief, often involving a code of ethics and philosophy. Any system of beliefs, practices, and ethical values.


   So in this sense, any form of Witchcraft is a religion. Even atheist Witches are a religion. So why argue? Why fight over if Witchcraft is a religion? And even more of a dumb question, why are Witches fighting Witches over Witchcraft being a religion?!?!? Stupid huh? Just like humans fighting over land, and oil, and who has the bigger balls. We fight other Witches about being a religion. Pretty damn stupid in my book. I think the Witches who deny other Witches their own right to religious freedom is wrong. But hey! What do I know. I'm a stupid Elder. I just don't know any more.

   I think more Witches need to take a step back, and think about how their actions effect the whole outlook of the Craft.


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