More about the truth. Let's take the ten commandments. Thou shall not kill. Is that not what he tells his own people to do to the Witches? To stone them? for there blood be on their own hands? So why make a law that he himself has asked you to break? Thou shall not steal? Did the christians not steal almost all their storys from Pagans? Did they not steal our symbols? Cathloic crosses, or really Celtic crosses. And almost all the storys in the bible can be traced back to a Pagan start. And all this when thou shall not steal....I guess they weren't thinking when that one was writtin down. Huh? Need I go on about the rest? Oh, one more...please!!!! Thou shall not have anythiny other GODS before me. Yeah, others? You mean you are telling me that other Gods are out there? Oh my shit!!! He said it!!! He did! It is in writting!!! Can't deny it now!! EXO: 11-5 "And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts." Even the animals. What a "god!" And what did the first born sons do to deserve to die? Was it not the Pharaoh that was makeing "god" mad? So way did all those poor lives hav to die? Sounds more, and more like a demon to me. And the whole we have free will to choose. Not in the begining we didn't, well in the christian bible anyway. "god" had said do not eat from the tree of knowlegde. For then you will know good, and evil. Well, when Eve eat the friut, she then understood she was nude, and ran to Adam and told him to eat it as well. Now at this point is where man is made to look like the inoccent one. It is said that Adam only eat the friut for he did not want Eve to be alone. So he had to eat it. Yeah, woman eat the fruit first. My point of view: Man was walking a long seen the snake had a chat with him. The snake said hey man, eat some fruit, it will make you a "god" And Adam said well shit! Then I can make Eve's boobs bigger!! So he eat the fruit and ran to Eve. He grabed her Boobs, and said grow!! Then she slapped him. That is more like it. And Eve eat the fruit because she knew Adam was to dumb to survive on his own. So now we got that out of the way. We can move on to part 4. Which will be more on words from the christian bible........................©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.