Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Elder's thoughts for Jan/09/07


   There is a lot more to life then what we do on blogs, and forums. We really think people want to hear what we think. Do I really care what "Joe Shmo" cares about books, or whatever? No. And do I think people really care what I think? LOL!!! No. In fact I know a lot of people who have told me to shove it!!


   So why do people read blogs? And just who do we spend hours writing what we think, and post it on the web? Well, I do it to get the stress off my shoulders. A lot of what I write is how I feel about things. And I always feel a lot better after writing for an hour!! LOL!


   So, what do I have to say? If you had read my perditions for 2007, you'd know that some had already been coming true. Fires have started already on the west coast. So early in the season is a shock for me though. I had hoped for a late start. And the weather is really lopsided. Denver is getting hit hard. More snow then even I would care to have!!I send my blessings for those who need it now.


   And on a spiritual note, more and more people are turning to Pagan paths. As a Pagan faith, we are growing larger everyday. It is a wonderful thing to know that we are the fastest growing religion on the planet! LOL!!

   With many blessings, and may your year be very fulfilling, Elder RavenFire.


   ©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.