Friday, January 12, 2007

Why?, Or, should it be expected?

   We do all we can to show people we are not evil. Even the people we have known our whole lives. But the moment people find out we're Witches, it all changes. Suddenly, we become evil monsters. Baby killers, and satan worshipers. Even our own families do this. The people who are suppose to support us, and love us for who we are, are the ones who turn on us the fastest.


   I know not every family is like this, and not not all family members are like this. Or are they? Behind closed doors, or when our backs are turned, what do they really say? Are they really ok with what we are? How do we really know? We don't. We wait, and see if they slip up, and accidentally show how they really feel. I say this because I know this can happen. The way they look at you when they think your not looking. Or how they speak to you a tune of voice.


   Just because we are Witches does not mean we are stupid. We know how to read their faces, and their minds. How sick it makes me. They say to your face how they accept you, and it doesn't matter what faith you are. And then when they "think" you don't notice them, they show their true feelings about you. Throw your stuff around, rip your things off the wall, burn your books.


   You know they just have to make you think your worth shit. They don't give a damn. I can't (Yes, a person close to me has gotten hurt.) I have had my family (all but a couple) tell me to go hell and burn, because I'm a Witch. I can handle it. I can deal with all the hate people "tend" to have towards us. I've been a Witch since I was 17, going on 18. 61/2 years or so. I have got my heart, and soul ripped from body many times. I can take it.


   Now, the new Witches, they are the ones who need the help. Notice I say Witches, not Pagans. Witches are looked at as evil more then other Pagans. The new Witches may not relized how bad it can be. It can really rip you a part. We Witches really get it laid on us. Druids, yeah they get it, but not as much as we do. It is getting to the point where it can be to much. And when Covens, and older Witches turn away the younger Witches, because of parent issues, or what have you, where goes their support?


   The teens don't get that support. They get lost, or leave the Craft for good. OR worse yet, take it to a dark place. We all know Magick is not good, nor evil, but it's the person. So this issue goes deeper then I think many Witches relize. The whole thing is under thought, and not taken to heart. And action should, no needs to be taken.


   ©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.