What really lead to the burning times? What caused normal human beings to act so stupid? Was it the fear of the unknown? Or was it the lies spread by the church? Or was it the hate that some people had for others? Let's think of what the christian bible says about Witches. It is in the old testament. Exo: 22-18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Why? What for? That is the first real chapter about Witches. They're 21 others. But let's take this one line for a sec.
"Thou shall not suffer a Witch to live" Now over the years there have been some mix up over this one line. Some theologians say that this line first said "thou shall not suffer a criminal to live" Now, why would have that line been changed? Isn't the christian bible the "word" of their god? Did he change his mind? Now the christian bible gives no reason why we Witches are to be killed. But let's look at another line from the christian bible shall we.
LEV: 19-31,"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God." So why not keep doing what the people have already been doing for thousands of years? Before the christian "faith" was even thought up, we Witches have been helping people. The Craft is called the old ways for a reason. But still, no reason other then the christian god as an ego problem not to go to Witches. Another line from the christian bible.
LEV: 20-6," And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." Wow! To be so harsh to cut one off from their own people for even turning to a Witch. It is an ego issue. Now this next chapter is what brought on the burning times. It is what the church used to validate their crimes.
LEV: 20-27,"A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them" How lovely huh? That is what brought on the hate, and fear. We shall be stoned!! Not burned, or hung, but stoned. So why burn, and hang us? That is not said in the christian bible. But I guess they found hanging, and burning to be better ways of murder. And yes, it was murder. Many lives were taken because of Lev: 20-27. And no remorse for the lives lost was given. the number of lives taken throughout the whole dark times, in the states, and world wide from then to now is well in the millions. close to 9 million lives.
Some say that is far fetched. Not when you take the burning times to now in account. That number is a fair guess. I still read about Witches being hunted, and murdered today in country's. It is something that will never totally go away. So led to these dark times for us? Hate? Lies? Or fear? It was all three. Lies from the christians, and their bible. Which started the fear, which led to the hate for Witches. And they even turned on close friends out of this hate, and fear. They used it to get even, and gain power. So I leave you with this thought: Could this all happen again? Knowing that in some country's it has not died out totally. Could a massive dark age start again? Could let's say the american government start it?
Could the USA make practicing the Craft illegal? And others follow. I tell you now, in the states there is a sunday bill that many christians are trying to get past. This bill would make it so everybody would HAVE to go to church on sunday. Now, your thinking, they can't do that. And so far they haven't. But it does come close to getting past. Some members of our government do agree with it. Luckily most do not. So, it could start again. And would other country's follow if it does?? Just some thoughts to ponder on. Blessed Be, Elder RavenFire
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