Saturday, January 13, 2007

Do we have the right to be Witches?

   One word, no. Can we teach teens who wish to follow our path? No. I understand the laws dealing with minors, and Covens, and solitary Witches not wanting to "deal" with teens. What I don't understand is those who will turn them away completely due to that. Is it not true that our faith grew in the shadows for years?

   We kept the Craft secret for how long? I'm just saying, the lord of the rings, harry potter "Witches" are that way because they don't know what we really are. I don't think living in fear of the government should stop us from teaching those who want to learn. Christians don't get tossed in jail for pulling kids off the street and teaching them about the christian faith. Why should we.

   If you truly believe, and I mean really believe, with all that you are, and can swear to it, then why can't we do the same. Why can't we teach those who are wanting to learn our ways. Why do we have to live in fear of laws that christians don't have to abide by?? If they can do it, so can we. We have every right they do. If they can go door to door (which I hate!!) But just for an example, we can too. If they can stand on the corners, we can too. (also something I can't stand!!) But we, under the Constitution, have the same rights they do. And if we don't, then I am right. I've really been right all along.

   We are looked at as freaks. As nut cases. As people who don't have any rights. When you think of it. If we can't do what they can do, we have no rights. Take some time to think of what they can do. Their marriages or legal, but ours are not. Fair?? If you think so, then ok, we have plenty of rights then. But it doesn't sound like it to me. Really when I compare what rights, and things they can do, and what rights, and things we can do, we come up short, way, way, way short. So when rights, and freedoms come up? We don't have them.

   Freedom of religion. Ha! Make me laugh my head off. I just got done reading a reply from a forum I belong to. It was a friend of mine saying they don't how we don't have the same rights christians do. Then they tell me, we can't teach our path to teens who want to learn our ways, because of our government laws saying we can't teach without parents permission. But yet christians can do so, whenever they want. It's their right as a religion! But we have the same rights they do! Ha! I see the freedoms purring in, I really do.

   You see where I'm coming from? Christians can pretty much get by with harassment, and annoying the hell out of you, but we can't help a teen who WANTS to lean the Craft. I like that, I really do. But, we have the same rights they do. We do....really. (I'm rolling my eyes right now) Makes me love america even mor...well less then I did five minutes ago. LOL!!!

   So, why even care? I'm not a teen. I have my support team. I don't need to worry about some teens who don't know me, right? Wrong. The young people are the future for Witchcraft. They are the ones who will lead the Craft fighting onto the future. Not the old people who are too scared to teach the young teens. Hmmm....makes sense. Wonder why other people didn't come to that sooner?

   I can tell you why? Well, in america anyway. American Witches like to think we have the "freedom of religion." LOL!! Yeah, and I'm the God of football. What little "freedom" we have, as taken us 50 years to get. And how did we get that? Wicca. Yes Gardner. Made up Wicca, a fluffy type of Witchcraft, and then said, well, the two are the "same." So Witchcraft got an "ok" name from a very short amount of people. For a short amount of time.

   So "Wicca," became the "new" Witchcraft, in a nutshell. And we got an inch of freedom. We even got seen as a religion. Wow! But, but we don't have the rights as christians to. Compare, and see the difference. We come up very short. And even worse, we Witches get called Wiccans. And not all Witches are Wiccans.




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