As 2006 came to a close, and it is now 2007 I sit and think about what '07 could bring. On the news today, I heard this televangelist said that "god" told him that something will happen to bring millions of deaths. Of course this is a hoax to bring him, and his "church" more money. Do I think that his "god" spoke to him? Maybe. I mean people like him tend to be not all there in the head. Do I think this will happen? On a million number scale? No. I think that Mother Nature will be on a rampage. Hurricanes will be pretty bad. I don't believe that we will have a Katrina type hurricane, but we will have an active, a very active season. Last season we went through both American, and Greek alphabets. This year, I think it will be close to that. For the west coast, a very dry season. I'm afraid more fires will come for them. They will need more aid from our government. But will find that it will have little to give. More, and more funds will go into Iraq. The Heartland will come into more tornados. More damage will happen, but lives lost will be at a minimum. But even one life lost is to many. The upper east coast will be hit hard with snow this coming winter. (2007) And the south will find out what a cold winter really is. For the upper central US, it will be a very hot summer. Some rain will fall, but just barely enough. We will have days, and weeks of 90+ degrees. And even break the 100 degree mark. And our winter,(Still upper central US.) will be warmer then normal. Snow will be wished for again. A green Yuletide.(Or christmas, for those who celebrate that.) We will get snow, but very late in the winter season.
And now for non-weather predictions. The US will be sending more then just 30,000 troops to Iraq. Bush will not really be sending our troops home to stay. Some will come back, but most will be forced to return to Iraq. The "war" over there will be rageing, long into 2008. More car bombs, more suicide bombers. The death toll will rise to new hights. and Bush will do nothing but feed more lies to the American people. Look for people to really be searching for themselves. The Pagan paths will grow, not only in the US, but world wide. The christian faith will decres in number, as more people search for more then just, "Leave it to god" answers. A lot of soul searching will be done this year. I see that happening already. People, will unite. It is still inclear as to why, or how, or who. But, I see people coming together for some reason. It is still foggy. This is what I feel about the new year. Will it happen this way? I don't know. This is the first time I am doing this. This feels really strong, so I am writting it down, and shareing it with people. Maybe soom will, I hope I am wrong. Wrong about a lot of things. Most of this, I don't think I said one good thing. Other then more people will doing more soul searching. And it is still a debate on why people will come together, and unite. I am really worried about that one. Blessed Be, Elder RavenFire.......©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.