Wednesday, January 31, 2007
What is an Elder?
One: You have to be 20, or older.
Two: You must have the respect of the family Coven. (The family-not online)
Three: You must know the Family Trad enough to teach it.
Four: We see an Elder, and High Priest, and High Priestess as roles you choose to become. They are not titles to be given. The Lord, and Lady gives you these titles. If they are your calling, you will know.
Five: We respect other Trads, and their view of Elders, and HP, and HPS, and respect their ways, and ask they respect ours.
This is how we see an Elder. Itis different then most, but it is how we see it. To each their own.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Feeling the Goddess.
I don't know if you already felt her, or not. But if you have, did it feel great?! I remember when I felt her. It was when I was coming home from work. It was when I was going thru a hard time in my life. I was married to a b**** of a tramp. I had a job that I loved, but money was an issue. It was a low point in my life. I really had to hold myself together. All I had was the Craft. It was when I felt like I couldn't go on anymore. I was coming home from closing at work, and the Moon was beautiful. Full and bright. I just stopped and looked at her, and started talking. I left nothing out. All my feelings just drained out. And at that moment, it was like her arms came around me, and I had a feeling everything would be alright. And I just felt so much peace, and love, I could not stop the tears from coming down my face.
The Goddess is why I am in the Craft. I could not follow a male God. Thru the Goddess I am learning to not fear the God. I came from the thinking that "God" was all powerful, and you needed to fear him. So when I started following the Craft, I felt a strong connection with the Goddess. And I am now learning to not have the fear for the God.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Friday, January 26, 2007
Is there a Witch in the Coven?
I have to ask this. Many times I have had people tell me to show them respect. And when I make an effort to try, they get dumber. They try to piss me off even more. They don't give a guy a break, or a chance. You know, I was a nice guy before I met "so called Pagans" on the net. These people claim to want to learn, and grow, and meet with other Pagans. I was stupid. I believed it. I let my guard down, and even trusted these assholes! I let them join my on-line Coven in in hope of helping the Pagan world, grow into the rest of the world. Spread the news about how Witches were not devil worshipping baby killers. And now, I'd rather hang out with the people who really are devil worshippers. Because most of the asshole Pagans I've met, are worse then the people who make us look bad.
I was mad at Hollywood for making Witches look bad. Funny! I've met real Witches who do it just fine on their own. Oh, pardon me, "wiccans" Got to get the words right! Or I'll have someone up my ass. I have not met a Witch online that as not backstabbed me. And you know what? Only one person said sorry. Only one. And it took guts to do that. And her, I think she should be proud of what she did. Taking that step. Did I bash her? No. I accepted it. I took what she said, and I gave her a chance. I didn't want to turn my back, like so many others have done to me. So I ask you, is there a Witch in the Coven? Or maybe the real question is, is there a real person in the Coven?
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Monday, January 22, 2007
The failure is ours, not theirs
We say that teens, and the younger generation is to blame for the Craft being gothic. And we say, "Oh look, anther satanic teen!" But we never look at why they are like that. It's because of the "older" Witches who will not, do I dare use this word, teach!!!!! the Craft to the teens who want to learn it. And these "older, and wiser" Witches, get these teens to believe they can't learn the Craft until their 18. NO! Teens can learn the Craft too!
I can see the Lord, and Lady saying, "Yep, can't show them anything, their teens!!!!!!" Bullshit!! The older "Witches" are to chicken shit to share the Craft with the people who want to learn. "Oh, yeah we're a real religion, but let's keep it to ourselves." How do you think the Craft was brought down through the ages? Do you think the net, and books have always been there? I think that the older Witches need to lay off the ritual wine there. Either that, or it's time for the old Witches home.
The younger generation is going to lead the Craft, not the old farts who can't even decide if Witchcraft is even a religion, and think people need to be around for 20 years before they know anything. When in fact they could use a wake up call.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Pats are out!!!!!
YEAH!!! The Colts are the best team in the NFL!! And I'm a Vikings fan. I watch the game, and thought damn it! Not again! The Pats are gonna ruin another Super Bowl!! But then the good old Colts did it. Good, good Colts. Hot damn, we're gonna have a brady free Super bowl!!!! I can't wait to finaly see a team to desrevs to go the Super Bowl, go there. The Pats should have never been there in the first place!! Oh, happy, happy, happy day!!!!!!!
Why Witchcraft will never be a mainstream religion.
Oh, my Goddess, I never thought I would even be thinking this. I know why Witchcraft as been unknown, and in the shadows. It stays there because so many "Witches" And I use that term loosely. Are stuck up asshole's to other Witches who aren't just like them. I hold Witchcraft as a religion. It's very dear to my heart. And I get so called "Witches" who say, Witchcraft isn't a religion. Bullshit!
In fact the meaning of religion is as follows:
So in this sense, any form of Witchcraft is a religion. Even atheist Witches are a religion. So why argue? Why fight over if Witchcraft is a religion? And even more of a dumb question, why are Witches fighting Witches over Witchcraft being a religion?!?!? Stupid huh? Just like humans fighting over land, and oil, and who has the bigger balls. We fight other Witches about being a religion. Pretty damn stupid in my book. I think the Witches who deny other Witches their own right to religious freedom is wrong. But hey! What do I know. I'm a stupid Elder. I just don't know any more.
I think more Witches need to take a step back, and think about how their actions effect the whole outlook of the Craft.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Drop the religon?
No, not in my book! And not mine! I teach Witchcraft. and one person I know thinks Witchcraft is not a religon because you can do Magick without working with a God, or a Goddess. I said, so it should be taken off the list of reconized religions? And This person said yes! They said yes! With all the Witches who have fought all their lives to get our faith religious freedom, and they just got spit on!! How disrespectful!
I mean Gardner wasn't even that disrespectful to Witchcraft. He aleast knew it was a religion on it's right. On that note, how can Wicca be a religion, when Witchcraft is not?? Witches have been around, a hell of a lot longer! What legs do Wiccan's stand on?? Uh...none! No history, that is fact! That's for damn sure. At least Witches have a proven history.
Come on people! Wicca is not the religion, WITCHCRAFT is, Wicca is a BRANCH of Witchcraft. Damn people use the brain the Lord, and Lady gave you!! LOL!! Wicca: No history, no facts, and based on lies. But it's more of a religion then Witchcraft!!! How?? I think some people need to hear what they are saying!?!?!?!
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Where did we,(mankind) go wrong?
Look at mankind. I mean really take a look at it. What do you see? Love? Kindness? Peace? At times. But what does it take to bring this out? When do we love our neighbor? When do we share with one another? Only when disaster hits. And even then, only the select few gets that attention.
You remember 9/11? That's a dumb question, we all do. You remember how it felt when you seen the second plane hit the second building? What were you doing? What where you thinking? I bet you were in shock. I know I was. I wasn't feeling to well. I'd been sick for a few days before that. I thought I was dreaming.
You know what happened after that? We all got our american flags out, and got all, we're proud to be an american faces on. And how long did that last? The next year, and a half? And we were all behind bush. He said We'll get the ones behind this. Yeah, right.
But back to the topic, why do things like this happen? Why do people attack others? Why all the violent's? When did mankind first decide we have to kill? To take a human life? To rob a family of a father? A mother? A son? A doughtier? A sister?, A brother? An uncle? An Aunt? A grandma? A granddad? When? When did life become nothing? When did mankind turn so mean, and heartless?
I leave you with this: Don't breed this hate. Don't follow in the ways of mankind. Lead a new way of life. Teach the younger ones a good way of life. Teach the ways of love, and peace. Turn mankind around, in a new good direction. I leave you with all the blessings in the world, Elder RavenFire. :)
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Do we have the right to be Witches?
One word, no. Can we teach teens who wish to follow our path? No. I understand the laws dealing with minors, and Covens, and solitary Witches not wanting to "deal" with teens. What I don't understand is those who will turn them away completely due to that. Is it not true that our faith grew in the shadows for years?
We kept the Craft secret for how long? I'm just saying, the lord of the rings, harry potter "Witches" are that way because they don't know what we really are. I don't think living in fear of the government should stop us from teaching those who want to learn. Christians don't get tossed in jail for pulling kids off the street and teaching them about the christian faith. Why should we.
If you truly believe, and I mean really believe, with all that you are, and can swear to it, then why can't we do the same. Why can't we teach those who are wanting to learn our ways. Why do we have to live in fear of laws that christians don't have to abide by?? If they can do it, so can we. We have every right they do. If they can go door to door (which I hate!!) But just for an example, we can too. If they can stand on the corners, we can too. (also something I can't stand!!) But we, under the Constitution, have the same rights they do. And if we don't, then I am right. I've really been right all along.
We are looked at as freaks. As nut cases. As people who don't have any rights. When you think of it. If we can't do what they can do, we have no rights. Take some time to think of what they can do. Their marriages or legal, but ours are not. Fair?? If you think so, then ok, we have plenty of rights then. But it doesn't sound like it to me. Really when I compare what rights, and things they can do, and what rights, and things we can do, we come up short, way, way, way short. So when rights, and freedoms come up? We don't have them.
Freedom of religion. Ha! Make me laugh my head off. I just got done reading a reply from a forum I belong to. It was a friend of mine saying they don't how we don't have the same rights christians do. Then they tell me, we can't teach our path to teens who want to learn our ways, because of our government laws saying we can't teach without parents permission. But yet christians can do so, whenever they want. It's their right as a religion! But we have the same rights they do! Ha! I see the freedoms purring in, I really do.
You see where I'm coming from? Christians can pretty much get by with harassment, and annoying the hell out of you, but we can't help a teen who WANTS to lean the Craft. I like that, I really do. But, we have the same rights they do. We do....really. (I'm rolling my eyes right now) Makes me love america even mor...well less then I did five minutes ago. LOL!!!
So, why even care? I'm not a teen. I have my support team. I don't need to worry about some teens who don't know me, right? Wrong. The young people are the future for Witchcraft. They are the ones who will lead the Craft fighting onto the future. Not the old people who are too scared to teach the young teens. Hmmm....makes sense. Wonder why other people didn't come to that sooner?
I can tell you why? Well, in america anyway. American Witches like to think we have the "freedom of religion." LOL!! Yeah, and I'm the God of football. What little "freedom" we have, as taken us 50 years to get. And how did we get that? Wicca. Yes Gardner. Made up Wicca, a fluffy type of Witchcraft, and then said, well, the two are the "same." So Witchcraft got an "ok" name from a very short amount of people. For a short amount of time.
So "Wicca," became the "new" Witchcraft, in a nutshell. And we got an inch of freedom. We even got seen as a religion. Wow! But, but we don't have the rights as christians to. Compare, and see the difference. We come up very short. And even worse, we Witches get called Wiccans. And not all Witches are Wiccans.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
I have just left my group, and the one forum I pretty much live on. It was not really my choice, but a need to do so. I was not gaining anything on either site. I was getting deeper into a depression, then any thing else. I guess I realized this when me, and my wife started a pole, and the members did not like it, and made me the bad guy.
What I learned from this was I no longer had a right to be seen as a good person. Me, and my wife wanted to see what our members thought a negative post was. So we made up the poll together. When the people seen it, they hated it, and went after me. Attack me with no love lost.
They made it very clear I was the one who was the bad guy. I was the one who caused all the chaos. I had a lot of anger built up yes. And I was trying to change. But they would not let me change. All efforts I tried on that group were shot down. I had no choice but to leave for awhile.
How long will I stay away from the Pagan world? I don't know. I will not stop blogging. But as far as forums, and groups go, I'm done for awhile. A long awhile. I feel that I can do nothing for the Craft right now. Not with all the hate that is out there towards me.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Why?, Or, should it be expected?
We do all we can to show people we are not evil. Even the people we have known our whole lives. But the moment people find out we're Witches, it all changes. Suddenly, we become evil monsters. Baby killers, and satan worshipers. Even our own families do this. The people who are suppose to support us, and love us for who we are, are the ones who turn on us the fastest.
I know not every family is like this, and not not all family members are like this. Or are they? Behind closed doors, or when our backs are turned, what do they really say? Are they really ok with what we are? How do we really know? We don't. We wait, and see if they slip up, and accidentally show how they really feel. I say this because I know this can happen. The way they look at you when they think your not looking. Or how they speak to you a tune of voice.
Just because we are Witches does not mean we are stupid. We know how to read their faces, and their minds. How sick it makes me. They say to your face how they accept you, and it doesn't matter what faith you are. And then when they "think" you don't notice them, they show their true feelings about you. Throw your stuff around, rip your things off the wall, burn your books.
You know they just have to make you think your worth shit. They don't give a damn. I can't (Yes, a person close to me has gotten hurt.) I have had my family (all but a couple) tell me to go hell and burn, because I'm a Witch. I can handle it. I can deal with all the hate people "tend" to have towards us. I've been a Witch since I was 17, going on 18. 61/2 years or so. I have got my heart, and soul ripped from body many times. I can take it.
Now, the new Witches, they are the ones who need the help. Notice I say Witches, not Pagans. Witches are looked at as evil more then other Pagans. The new Witches may not relized how bad it can be. It can really rip you a part. We Witches really get it laid on us. Druids, yeah they get it, but not as much as we do. It is getting to the point where it can be to much. And when Covens, and older Witches turn away the younger Witches, because of parent issues, or what have you, where goes their support?
The teens don't get that support. They get lost, or leave the Craft for good. OR worse yet, take it to a dark place. We all know Magick is not good, nor evil, but it's the person. So this issue goes deeper then I think many Witches relize. The whole thing is under thought, and not taken to heart. And action should, no needs to be taken.
©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Real ERF: My thoughts on me.
Yeah, that's right, the real ERF. I am who I am. I speak my mind, and I tell it how it is. If I think someone is being to hard on a author, I'll let them know. And if a book is getting to hard of a review, I'll say something. People think just because I'm 21 I don't know what I'm talking about, or don't have a right to say anything. Well, to bad. I'm a in your face kind of person.
My name is on the red list of not so liked people. Well, also on that list is some big named people. I mean people put me right up there with Silver RavenWolf. (SRW) Saying I know as little as she does, and should go relearn the Craft. Well maybe these people should take their own advice. I don't need to relearn anything. I don't take crap, and I don't bend to their demands. And that is why I am so "famous" LOL!!!
The people that I get around me, (The people on my Coven site.) They blow almost everytime I say something. Even if I back it up with facts. If I say, the christian bible says to kill Witches, and then post LEV: 20,27. A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Well, that sounds like backing my post with a fact. And EXO: 22;18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Would also be a fact to back that up. But, these would not be facts.
So I can't post anything on my own Coven site, or forum. Nice huh? Real cool!! They say they want facts, I give them facts, and they all the sudden go blind!!!! And really stupid. I know, I'll hear it if one of them finds this blog. Oh will I hear it!!!! LOL!!! But hey, what do I care, my names already shot to hell. They may stop me from posting my thoughts on my own sites, but not on my Blogger!! I'm not breaking any rules!!! LOL!!! HAHA!!!
So, why now? Huh? And this can not be copied, or reused without my say so!!!! LOL!!!! Oh yeah!!!
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
My view on Pagans
Now I always thought that Pagans were nice, and cared about people. Damn was I wrong!!! I've met more Pagans over the past few months that would turn their back faster then a fly on shit. I think a solitary path is for me. I started that way, and I am going back to that path. I have a forum I will be on, but other then that, I will be a fly on the wall.
That said will I still Blog? Yes. Even if no one reads them. But with me being so famous, I'm sure people will read them!!! I find that for the most part, most Pagans don't give a damn what you are. If you don't believe what they say, your dammed to their damnation. I think that is funny. Why? Because that is what christians do. If you don't walk their path, your dammed to hell!!
With the small amount of Paganism who are great people. I thank them. For they are the ones who show the world just what Paganism really is. Although small in number, we are here. And for those who read this, and think: I know RavenFire, and he's an asshole. Feel free to just leave. Don't leave a reply. Don't waste your time, or mine. Just ask yourself if you do act like a Pagan. Do you judge people? Do you look at other peoples views of people, and then decide from there if someone is good or not? Read what I right, and really read it. Don't skim it, but read it. Then tell me if I have issues.
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Elder's thoughts for Jan/09/07
There is a lot more to life then what we do on blogs, and forums. We really think people want to hear what we think. Do I really care what "Joe Shmo" cares about books, or whatever? No. And do I think people really care what I think? LOL!!! No. In fact I know a lot of people who have told me to shove it!!
So why do people read blogs? And just who do we spend hours writing what we think, and post it on the web? Well, I do it to get the stress off my shoulders. A lot of what I write is how I feel about things. And I always feel a lot better after writing for an hour!! LOL!
So, what do I have to say? If you had read my perditions for 2007, you'd know that some had already been coming true. Fires have started already on the west coast. So early in the season is a shock for me though. I had hoped for a late start. And the weather is really lopsided. Denver is getting hit hard. More snow then even I would care to have!!I send my blessings for those who need it now.
And on a spiritual note, more and more people are turning to Pagan paths. As a Pagan faith, we are growing larger everyday. It is a wonderful thing to know that we are the fastest growing religion on the planet! LOL!!
With many blessings, and may your year be very fulfilling, Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Freaks, geek's, losers, and etc.
Why do we call people these names? And other curel titles? We have major problems when it comes to people being different then us. Even other people. Black people get it, gay people get it, and the smart people get it to. And yes, if your not a christian, you get it. Let me tell you about when I went to school how I was treated.
I was the kid that had glasses, kinda on the big side, at least until high school. Anyway. I didn't have the newest clothes, or even someday's I had to where the same clothes again. And when other kids would see this they would take the time to point out to me that I just had that shirt on the day before. Like I did not already know that. And my didn't have money to go on field trips, and when other kids seen this, they knew that I came from a poor family. I was harrassed all the time in middle school.
Why did it start in middle school? My days in elementary school were filled with good friends, and good times. We hardly ever had trouble. We were young, and thought we all were the same. Which we were. We didn't care who had the best clothes, or who had the best hair. Or even what faith we were. we just chased each other, and laughed.
It was during middle school when those words came out. "freak" "Nerd" "Geek" "Loser" And it was then I realized my world would never be the same again. the people I knew as friends, acted like I never even existed.
I felt alone when I walked down those halls. And It was not until my 4th year of high school. My 4th year was not my 12 grade year. Due to all the harassment, I wouldn't go to school, or I would just hide in the bathroom. At times, it got to the point where I would get into a lot of fights. And I mean a lot of fights.
It is sad that we need these words to give people who are different then us titles. Theses titles do not need to be given out. They hurt, and can cause a lot of damage. And if the kids(Teens) getting harassed tell teachers, it only gets worst. And even out side of school. The work place, and even in parks, and area's of parks, and recreation.
Just imagen a world if people were all the same. No different people to offer idea's. We would all be the same. We all wear the same clothes. Listen to the same music. Like the same T.V. shows, and movies. It'd be like stepping into the twilight zone. A dule, and twisted, sad place. Be glad that each of us are different. We sgould honor our differences.
So, the next time you see someone who is different, either by looks, or whatever, instead of making that person(s) feel bad, make an effert to learn from them. Maybe it will help you grow, and shape who you are as well. Bright Blessings to you, Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Witch Camps??
What are these camps? What are these camps for? And just who do they serve? These camps are in Africa. They are camps for women who are accused of being Witches. They go to these camps to hide from those who wish to kill them. They live in fear for their lives. I find this very sick, and wrong. And so do a lot of other people. But let's stop and think about this for a minute. It is the myth that Witches are evil, and blood thirsty monsters that has caused these Witch camps to be opened. And just when will the madness stop? Now it is in one third world country. But just how soon before it comes over to the larger country's?
I thought that something like this would happen. I really did. But I thought it would be years, and years down the road. I never thought, that in my lifetime it would start. It is sad, real sad that this has had to happen. I'm not going to go into details on here, but I do have three links where you may find out a lot more on these camps. And from my understanding, are saving many lives.
http://www.wwrn. org/article. php?idd=21917& sec=73&cont= 3
http://www.rickross .com/reference/ wicca/wicca51. html
http://news. s/nm/20070102/ od_nm/ghana_ witches1_ dc_1
It is very sad, very sad indeed. And I hope, and I pray to the Lord, and Lady, that all Witches, and non-Witches who need the help, and the safety get what they need. And all the blessing in the world to them, and those that help them. Such a time we live in now. We are in the US think Witches have it good, and are not hunted, and killed. But we are. We don't hear about, because it's america, and our news system is run by the goverment. But around the world, Witches, and many other Pagans are hunted, and lynched, just for being Witches, or accused of being Witches. So when you go about your daily life, remember, there are others out there who have no freedom. And those to die for being Witches, and Pagans. It is a hard life for a lot of people. Just remeber these camps, and why they are there. And hope you, and I never have to go to one. Bright blessing to you, my brothers, and sisters in the Craft. May the Lord, and Lady guide you, and keep you safe. Elder RavenFire.
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
What led to the burning times???
What really lead to the burning times? What caused normal human beings to act so stupid? Was it the fear of the unknown? Or was it the lies spread by the church? Or was it the hate that some people had for others? Let's think of what the christian bible says about Witches. It is in the old testament. Exo: 22-18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Why? What for? That is the first real chapter about Witches. They're 21 others. But let's take this one line for a sec.
"Thou shall not suffer a Witch to live" Now over the years there have been some mix up over this one line. Some theologians say that this line first said "thou shall not suffer a criminal to live" Now, why would have that line been changed? Isn't the christian bible the "word" of their god? Did he change his mind? Now the christian bible gives no reason why we Witches are to be killed. But let's look at another line from the christian bible shall we.
LEV: 19-31,"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God." So why not keep doing what the people have already been doing for thousands of years? Before the christian "faith" was even thought up, we Witches have been helping people. The Craft is called the old ways for a reason. But still, no reason other then the christian god as an ego problem not to go to Witches. Another line from the christian bible.
LEV: 20-6," And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." Wow! To be so harsh to cut one off from their own people for even turning to a Witch. It is an ego issue. Now this next chapter is what brought on the burning times. It is what the church used to validate their crimes.
LEV: 20-27,"A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them" How lovely huh? That is what brought on the hate, and fear. We shall be stoned!! Not burned, or hung, but stoned. So why burn, and hang us? That is not said in the christian bible. But I guess they found hanging, and burning to be better ways of murder. And yes, it was murder. Many lives were taken because of Lev: 20-27. And no remorse for the lives lost was given. the number of lives taken throughout the whole dark times, in the states, and world wide from then to now is well in the millions. close to 9 million lives.
Some say that is far fetched. Not when you take the burning times to now in account. That number is a fair guess. I still read about Witches being hunted, and murdered today in country's. It is something that will never totally go away. So led to these dark times for us? Hate? Lies? Or fear? It was all three. Lies from the christians, and their bible. Which started the fear, which led to the hate for Witches. And they even turned on close friends out of this hate, and fear. They used it to get even, and gain power. So I leave you with this thought: Could this all happen again? Knowing that in some country's it has not died out totally. Could a massive dark age start again? Could let's say the american government start it?
Could the USA make practicing the Craft illegal? And others follow. I tell you now, in the states there is a sunday bill that many christians are trying to get past. This bill would make it so everybody would HAVE to go to church on sunday. Now, your thinking, they can't do that. And so far they haven't. But it does come close to getting past. Some members of our government do agree with it. Luckily most do not. So, it could start again. And would other country's follow if it does?? Just some thoughts to ponder on. Blessed Be, Elder RavenFire
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
The harm none rule? Or not??
"To bless or curse with power friends or enemies (to do good or evil)".And now this brings up a very good point. What about the harm none rule? I think that now needs to be looked at under a fine tooth comb. And I just already happened to have done that! I've spent days, and many hours thinking about the harm none rule. I, and many other Witches look at it this way:
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, an it harm none, do what ye will.Yes, well, you can't harm yourself now can you? And you can't let others harm you, can you? And of you see a person harming another, will you just stand there and not do anything? If you said yes to any of these things: Yes I will harm myself, yes I will let others harm me, and yes when I see others getting harmed, I will take no action! Then you are in fact breaking the Harm none rule.
It is not harming someone of they are beating you to death. It is not harming someone if they are beating a helpless person. We in fact are even here to protect the weak, and the helpless. that is why we are told about curses, and hexes. Because sometimes they are needed."To bless or curse with power friends or enemies (to do good or evil)".Do I think doing evil to evil is really evil? No. Not if what you are doing is protecting someone. Or yourself.
Now if you do curse someone out of spite, or just because you don't like them, is evil. And to do so, you will get back what you send out three fold. Well, I also heard, seven, and ten fold to. Even when doing good, Karma works both ways. Whatever energy you send out, comes back to you, three fold, or seven, or ten. I have heard all three, and have yet to really find out which one it truly is. Maybe all three. But this is my take on hexes, and curses, and the Harm none rule.
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess
Sexism in the Craft??
Balanced?? Show me some. I see groups that sound great, and their for women only. I can see how they want to do that, and that’s fine. But when it comes down to shutting men out completely just for being men, how rude! I follow Aradia, but I don’t toss the God out. I honor Cernunnos. In my Coven there is no thought of difference if your male, or female. We accept both, as equals.
I joined a yahoo group, and I was the only male. But the thing is, they did not know I was a male until I was there for 2 weeks. They all liked me, thought I had great ideas. Until the day they asked if my husband knew if I was a Witch. I told them I was a guy, and the next thing I know, I’m banned from the group.
I send emails to Covens, and other groups wanting to reach out to other Pagans, most of them are women’s groups. Like this last group that is the Circle of Aradia. Do I expect to get an answer? No. I’m a guy wanting info about female groups. And after I sent the email I noticed on their site they didn’t seem male friendly. If the Craft is so balanced, then why do we have women’s groups that don’t allow men, and on that note, why are men so looked down on? Both are needed to create life. And don’t give me that life can now be created in tubes nonsense. Why can women take the man’s role in a ritual, but a man can’t take the woman’s role? Did the Lord, and Lady say that? Or is that just sexist bullcrap? Why? Tell me why? It should not be like this.
The Lord, and Lady did not say these things. We are not in balance right now. Once we can mange the true balance, then we can call the Craft religion, as a whole balanced. But as a hole we are not. As separate beings we can be balanced, but not as a whole.
I leave you with this thought: Are you in balance? If you’re a woman, Are you balanced? Do you know, and embrace your masculine side? But still have your feminine side? And if you are a man, do you embrace your feminine side? And still have your masculine side? And for both men, and women, do you accept both other men, and women? Or do you, look at them like they are weak, or under you? Do you? Do you? If you do, stop. Look at how the Lady, and Lord are. One is not higher then the other. Both are the same. They both need one another. They love one another. And we are their children. Loved by them, and protected buy them. Taut by them. And seen by them as equals. So let us not fight this battle of the sexes anymore. Let us come together as one religion. Many paths, but one people. Blessed be, one of the Lord, and Lady’s children.
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess
My return...for lack of better term.
I have been away for afew days, as some of you can see. I think that being away from here as done me some good. It as clearned my mind of some dust. I know a lot of people think I am young, and don't know anything. Well, let me just say that when I tell you what I know, you are to busy trying to tell me I am wrong, to listen. My path is my own, and I am trying to tell people about it. I shut up, and hear what others have to say, even when I don't agree.
We have Witches on here that don't even believe in a Deity, and I don't tell them how to do things. I take in what they have to say. But the monment I open my mouth about my path, that is different, I get shot down. I think instead of pointing out at is wrong, tell others what you believe, like I try to do. We don't learn very well when we are being told we're wrong. And incase I'm stepping on toes, tell me about your path, don't tell me I'm wrong about my path.
I know my path better anybody else would. Just like you know your path better then I would. I wouldn't tell Garnder that he was doing his path wrong. That would be retarded. My path, and my history is taken out of text books. I don't state things about history out of my rear end. Anybody can learn how christians really spread their faith. But you have to dig. Heck, the history channel has a bunch of things about christians's dark past. And you can find it all over the net. And if you read the older bibles, and see the words for what they really say, you can see that christians past is truly dark.
I understand some people want to remain blind to that, but the truth is the truth. And no, I don't give you the places where I got my info, because I have gotten it over the years. I've been dealling with the christian faith all my life, short yes, but I have been in the bible, and in the christian past. It is dark. The info on that is there. And the history channal is my sorce for a lot of info on the christian faith. For a long time, that was my faverot channal. And the Craft, I know the made up histoy, AKA the christian, and hollywood version. And I know my paths version. Each path as its own version. No path is the one right and true path.
That is one thing that Silver RavenWolf says in Teen Witch, and also Broomstick, well she says that a lot of other times to. In fact, that is what is said in the 13 princables. I have read them, I think that maybe they should be posted, just for review. The Craft, is made up of many, many paths, and we should have the right to our own beliefs. That is what makes one a true Witch. A true Witch accepts the fact that the Craft is not the one right true way. In fact it is many, many true ways. Until one can accept that, they have a lot of learning to do. I have lived to many years in my short live to give ground now. I may be 22, but my spirital age is so much older. And I think more people need to accept that the path is a path of many truths. Not just one.
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Mankind, or Manmean???
I look at the world and what do I see? I see war, and blood, and all the things that I am fighting so hard to put behind me. I know in my past lives I fought in wars. I killed, and I did it for the right reasons. I fought for peace, and to defend my family, and my rights. But now all that is fought for is nothing.
Bush says our troops fight for peace, and I say our troops fight for nothing, and die in vain! They fight not for our safty, or our peace, but for what bush wants. Bush says that we are in danger of being killed by these people. But what the hell did Irag really do to us? Not a damn thing! Ya know why our troops are getting killed? Bush is doing his dadd's work. His daddy was the one who fought for our safty.
Irag was our enemy then. But George bush the first was not able to kill the Irag leader when he was in office. So he waited until his little son could run for office, and get it fixed so he would win. And it worked. And the american goverment knew that the twin towers would be hit when they did. That is little bush ran when he did. And it was all set up to make it look like irag was the one who did it. But america didn't plan the UN would want to check irag first, before they let america bomb it all to hell.
Well the UN found nothing tieing irag with the twin towers, or any wepons of mass destruction. But bush had a mission, to finish what was started by big bush. And with the UN's go ahead, bush went to war anyway. And now in 2006, going on 2007 we are still in the war. Our men, and women, are still getting killed. Why? BUSH!!! He says day after day we will get our troops home, and then the next day he says, I want more troops sent to irag. Oh holy hell!!!! Can we please get him the hell outta here
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Christians: The bitter truth, part four.
In Genesis. It talks about how their "god" made the whole shebang. Now it says everything was made in six days. And on the seventh he rested. Now "bible" theologians have said it may have been more of one thousand years to one day. That would mean that from the day the earth was formed, it took six to seven thousand years to form life. Now from Darwin's view of evolution this would be posible. seven thousand years for life to form. So what these "bible" theologians have done is help Darwin a little more then harm him. Now when their "god" made life he made all other life, and then man. But notice, it was man he made first. And that was all he was going to make. But "adam" was lonly. So then "god" made a woman. Now this is tricky. Because some theologians with finding other lost books of the "bible". Some of these tell of a woman who "adam" had, but she was not a fit partner. As she was not made from "adam's" ribs. Now "eve" was made from "adam" It was said that this was the first marriage of the "bible" Now other theologians say other wise. And I would agree, there is no avidice of that. She was made from him, but was never joined to him by any ceramony. Now these two "people" the first two "people" on earth. Now they lived in the "garden of eden" A perfect place that they never had to work for anything. All they had to do was walk aroung eat the fruit they found. But one tree. "The tree of forbbion knowlegde." Now "god" told them not to eat from this tree. That if they did they would be tossed out of "the garden" And so they stayed away from it. For awhile. But "satan" as he is called now, seen fit to lend his hand. Now when "god" made the world, he "knew" everything that would happen. He "knew" all. So he had to know what was gonna "happen" in the "garden of eden" "satan" talked "eve" into eating the fruit. And when she did, she gained wisdom of all things. Good, and evil, and right, and wrong. Now, "god" should have gave "adam", and "eve" this in the first place. Seeing that he did not, means all he wanted was mindless drones. If this story were true, then "satan" was not the evil one. No, not at all. He gave "eve", and "adam" because "adam" eat the fruit as well. "satan" what he really did was give then the choices, that "god" did not want them to have. And if "god" was all powerful, and "knew" everything, then he had to have known what would happen. Thus makeing "adam", and "eve" and putting the tree there, and tell them not to eat it, was wrong. And then when they did, and then punish them for doing what he "knew" they would do is even more stupid. He made them, just to punish them. Therefor makeing "god" the evil monster that he really is. He made them to rule over them. And to force them to worship him. And if they did not, they would burn in hell! Now tell me....just tell me, is that a good "god"?? No!! Damn no!! Damn it no!! And how dare any one force this kind of crap on people!! Damn this cult!! That's all it is. And this my opinion about that! A damn cult. Just on this. Just on the begining story one can figure out what this is. Ok, part five will be more on the begining parts of the "bible".................©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Christians: The bitter truth, part three
More about the truth. Let's take the ten commandments. Thou shall not kill. Is that not what he tells his own people to do to the Witches? To stone them? for there blood be on their own hands? So why make a law that he himself has asked you to break? Thou shall not steal? Did the christians not steal almost all their storys from Pagans? Did they not steal our symbols? Cathloic crosses, or really Celtic crosses. And almost all the storys in the bible can be traced back to a Pagan start. And all this when thou shall not steal....I guess they weren't thinking when that one was writtin down. Huh? Need I go on about the rest? Oh, one more...please!!!! Thou shall not have anythiny other GODS before me. Yeah, others? You mean you are telling me that other Gods are out there? Oh my shit!!! He said it!!! He did! It is in writting!!! Can't deny it now!! EXO: 11-5 "And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts." Even the animals. What a "god!" And what did the first born sons do to deserve to die? Was it not the Pharaoh that was makeing "god" mad? So way did all those poor lives hav to die? Sounds more, and more like a demon to me. And the whole we have free will to choose. Not in the begining we didn't, well in the christian bible anyway. "god" had said do not eat from the tree of knowlegde. For then you will know good, and evil. Well, when Eve eat the friut, she then understood she was nude, and ran to Adam and told him to eat it as well. Now at this point is where man is made to look like the inoccent one. It is said that Adam only eat the friut for he did not want Eve to be alone. So he had to eat it. Yeah, woman eat the fruit first. My point of view: Man was walking a long seen the snake had a chat with him. The snake said hey man, eat some fruit, it will make you a "god" And Adam said well shit! Then I can make Eve's boobs bigger!! So he eat the fruit and ran to Eve. He grabed her Boobs, and said grow!! Then she slapped him. That is more like it. And Eve eat the fruit because she knew Adam was to dumb to survive on his own. So now we got that out of the way. We can move on to part 4. Which will be more on words from the christian bible........................©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
Christians: The bitter truth, part two
There are 22 chapters about Witches in the christian bible. And in part 2 of the bitter truth, I am going to go through all of them. The reason I am going through the chapters on Witches is because the christians almost caused Witches to be wiped out. They needed a scapgoat to help spread their faith. And we Witches were the perfect ones to pick on. We were the only religion that did not see the point in fighting, and bloodshed. They knew we were peacful, and would not cause a big war. And they were right. We did not fight back when they called us evil. Turned our Gods, and Goddesses evil. We turned the other way, and let it be. But when makeing us look bad was not good enough, when they need to make an example for those who would not follow them, they turned to us, and hunted us. Killed us, and thus the burning times had started. But they knew that if they were to do this, and get away with it, it would have to come from "god", not them. Here are the words of "god" that made our lives pure hell from that moument on. Exo: 22-18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." LEV: 19-31,"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God." LEV: 20-6," And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." LEV: 20-27,"A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them" DEU: 18-10,"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch." DEU: 18-11,"Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer." 1SAM 15-23,"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king." 1SAM: 28-3,"Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his own city. And Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land." 1SAM: 28-9, "And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die?" 2Kings: 9-22,"And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?" 2Kings: 21-6,"And he made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger." 1Kings: 23-24,"Moreover the workers with familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD." 2CHR: 33-6," And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger." ISA: 8-19,:And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?" ISA: 19-4,"And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards" MIC: 5-12,"And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:" NAH: 3-4,"Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts." ATCS: 8-9," But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one" ACTS: 8-11,"And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries." ACTS: 13-8."But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith." GAL: 3-1,"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?" GAL: 5-20,"Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies," GAL: 5-21," Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God"
Posted By Elder RavenFire to Elder RavenFire's Thoughts at 12/21/2006 12:25:00 PM
Christians: The bitter truth, part one.
Christians, the bitter turth. What is with this religion? Everything, and everyone is gonna burn in hell! Why? You drink, your going to hell. You smoke, your going to hell. You have sex before marriage, your going to hell. And that is even of your not even a christian! It's fine if they want to believe that for themseleves, but leave me out of it. They walk around telling anybody, and everybody that if they don't bow down and worship their "god" we're all gonna burn in hell. Let's stop and think about this "hell" for a minute. Who is gonna be there? Well, I'm gonna be there. And I'm gonna guess most of the world is gonna be there. Even most christians will be there. How do I know this? Read the christian's bible. That tells you right there that almost everybody in the world will be in hell. Nobody cab live up to the rules set by the christian's bible. First it says we are born sinners, but then again, children are pure, and holy. So how are we born sinners, if we are born pure and holy? I think the chirstian "god" needs to make up his mind. And then he says we need to sacrefice animals, that's right SACRIFICE animals to clean our souls. Wow! Kill a goat he won't mind. Damn how crule. Evil monster of a deity. He tells his people to go out and kill others. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." EXO: 22-18. And why? Why can't we Witches live? Are we not people too? Do we not have a right to have a life? What do we do? We heal, we teach the ways of Mother Earth. We are peacful people. But yet, their god said we need to die. "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch." DUO: 18-10. We don't pass through fire. But why the other things? Why can't we be a Witch, or use divvination? What is so wrong with it? We have been doing it longer then christians have been around. "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God" LEV: 19-31 Why? Again we have every right to use the gifs our Goddess, and God gave us. What gives these christians the right, or their god the right to tell us what we can do, or that others can't come to us. It is bullshit. Damn them, and damn their god too. "And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." LEV:20-6 Well that is not a god to me. But an evil hatful being. And why would you worship such a thing that turn on his own people for being, or knowing another path, or person of that path."A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them" LEV:20-27. Whay the hell gives the demon monster the right to tell people to kill others just for being different. That thing the christians worship, is no god, but demon, just on this chapter alone................ ©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
George W. Bush....Again
Ok, this gets me. Bushy boy is an asshole. He knew Osama was not in Iraq. He was going after the people his dad couldn’t get. He only got in office for that reason. Damn him! Lives, real lives have been wasted because of the damn asshole. He knew where Osama was the whole damn time. Hell, he wasn’t even really looking for him. He wanted Sodom, that’s all. Stupid ass. And used 9/11 to his advantage. It would not be to hard for our government to make it look like Osama was, or his crew was working in Iraq. Or had ties there. But when the UN went there to find proof, they found none. And bushy boy knew that they wouldn’t find a damn thing. But still he pushed for war. And he had our government behind him. Well at least most of it. You know damn well the elections were fixed. From the start he was after Sodom. And hell he knew about 9/11 months before hand. Clinton told him. As Clinton came out and told everybody. But busy boy being the idiot he is, said the papers on Osama were unclear. Yeah right. For you. A monkey could understand more then you. A rock could understand more then bushy. And are WE the only ones suffering from bush baby?? Hell no!! The Britt’s have lost troops thanks to Blair. Him and bushy pie, are so close they might as well get married. Wait, bush is against gay rights, never mind. Blair from what I’ve been told from friends in the UK is about as smart as bushy boy is. And that’s nothing to be proud of, I’ll tell you that. And all bush cares about is sending more troops over there to be killed. Oh he says he’ll bring’em home, and he sends 30,000 more troops over there!! Damn bushy, you can’t add, and subtract can you? Well adding is no problem I can see. It’s the subtracting he has a problem with. The guy has no clue how to run a microwave, let alone a country!! Hell, I wouldn’t trust him to rise a pet rock!!!! The dumbass!!
©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Bad news on T.V.
All I see when I turn on the local news is always bad. Either someone died, got shot, mugged, robbed. I mean, what as the world come to? Is there no peaceful place anymore? A woman get attacked by her own home. Lucky her boyfriend heard her, and came out to save her. She could have been killed!! Everyday, more people get hurt, or killed. Stupid, stupid times we live in. And deadly. It is to bad we have to watch out for ourselves like this. We aren't even safe by our own homes.........©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
What is wrong with the world?
Really? What is really going on? We don't really know what goes on after the doors are closed. The goverment does things without telling us. They go to war and don't care what we think. We can't get our voice heard anymore. It is so bad, that if a president wants to go to war, he can. We can say no, and send letters, but it does no good. Look at the 60's. Tons of people wanted the war to end, and didn't even want the war to start. But the goverment said to hell with the people. And now with Irag. Our goverment says to hell with us, and does whatever they want. And we fight then every step of the way. Has it helped?? No. Our troops are still over there, and the goverment is still sending more troops there. And our president wants more war. He plans to go after more countrys. I just don't think that our goverment is going to keep us safe. It is going to lead to more war. It will cause a major war. And I worry about that. It is bad times we live in. And it will only get worse. ...........................©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
George W Bush
Why does Bush do the things he does? He says, "I'll bring the troops home" And then he wants to send more troops over seas. 30,000 more troops! And more lives lost. Why? We, or rather he has screwed that county, and this one up enough as it is. He put this country in more debt. And it will take years for us to get out of it. Hell, we might never get out of it. And as far as Irag goes, that country will never get on it's feet. Yeah we got an evil guy out of there. And that may have been the only good thing that happend out of this. But as I know of, Sodom was not doing anything at the time. And there could have been a better way of getting him out. And the UN did not want to start a war. But Bush had to do it anyway. All he is doing is his daddy's dirty unfinished work. All the things that Bush Sr. didn't finish when he was in office, W. Bush is doing. That is wrong, and sad. Lives are being lost, and he doesn't care. So all I ask, is why? And I hope that the next persident we have can undo the damage done by W Bush................... ©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire
Feel the Love???
Ok, this is great. I'm thinking that being a Witch, I would get bashed by Witch haters. ECT: most christians, and misguided assholes. Well that is true. I have been. But as of late I've been trashed by other "witches" and pagans. Funny huh? I feel the love. And I sit and think, why? Well it is because I don't their rules, or their ways. I walk my own path. And that is what gets me in trouble. So, feeling the love in the Pagan world can be short. I know many people who walk the path I do. And they to get trashed. Silver RavenWolf for one. She is trashed all the time by idiots. I feel very honored to be trashed. I figure if she is trashed and believes mostly the way I do, then the people doing the trashing are stupid little punks, who really don't have clue about the world. Great huh? Well anyway, back feeling the love. I almost let these assholes win. I thought about giveing up everything. My name, my title, and the whole lot. But then I thought screw them. What do I gain by letting them win? Nothing. I just need to sit back, and laugh my ass off at them looking like idiots! LOL! And I do. Funny, poor little people they are. I bet they are sitting on their ass playing their xbox 360, or playstation 3, or something. Because they have no clue of what being a Witch, or even what being a Pagan really means. They think because they older then dirt, they can push people around! LOL! Well, forget them. Let them have their thoughts of fake power. I wash my hands of them...................©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
How the christian bible loves Witches!!!!!
For those who have read the bible, you know these chapters. But do you know what they say? For most people, they skip over the lines instead of reading them. So I am posting these inorder to help people understand Witches, and the Bible............Exo: 22-18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." ...........Now to me this one is cut, and dry. You find one, you kill them. Now this also means that to let us Witches live, is letting us suffer. Because their "god" sees us as unclean......LEV: 19-31,"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God."....This is pretty cut, and dry too. Don't hang around Witches, because "god" wants you all to himself. He thinks that we are evil for not worshiping him.........LEV: 20-6," And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." ....Amen brother!! He will cut us off from him, and trun his face against us. From the start he has hated us, and he has told his people to do the same......LEV: 20-27,"A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them" ...Go head kill them. It is their fault. They brought it upon themselves. Witches should die for not believing in "god"............DEU: 18-10,"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch."
DEU: 18-11,"Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer." ...Stay way from Witches, and Magickal people. They are wrong, evil, and full of shit. Don't be with them, for they don't worship "god"...... there many chapters like these. I think you get my point. The christian bible clearly states that Witches are evil, and should die. And for those christians that accept us, will burn in "hell" I don't know about you, but that sounds like a lovely day at the beach!! LOL! But this is how things work. If you read the christian bible, and understand these words, you relize why the burning times happend, why Witches are so hated, and really why they (christians) try to shove their cult in our face. Knock on our door at 7:00 in the mourning. ..............................©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.
The new Year: What will it bring?
As 2006 came to a close, and it is now 2007 I sit and think about what '07 could bring. On the news today, I heard this televangelist said that "god" told him that something will happen to bring millions of deaths. Of course this is a hoax to bring him, and his "church" more money. Do I think that his "god" spoke to him? Maybe. I mean people like him tend to be not all there in the head. Do I think this will happen? On a million number scale? No. I think that Mother Nature will be on a rampage. Hurricanes will be pretty bad. I don't believe that we will have a Katrina type hurricane, but we will have an active, a very active season. Last season we went through both American, and Greek alphabets. This year, I think it will be close to that. For the west coast, a very dry season. I'm afraid more fires will come for them. They will need more aid from our government. But will find that it will have little to give. More, and more funds will go into Iraq. The Heartland will come into more tornados. More damage will happen, but lives lost will be at a minimum. But even one life lost is to many. The upper east coast will be hit hard with snow this coming winter. (2007) And the south will find out what a cold winter really is. For the upper central US, it will be a very hot summer. Some rain will fall, but just barely enough. We will have days, and weeks of 90+ degrees. And even break the 100 degree mark. And our winter,(Still upper central US.) will be warmer then normal. Snow will be wished for again. A green Yuletide.(Or christmas, for those who celebrate that.) We will get snow, but very late in the winter season.
And now for non-weather predictions. The US will be sending more then just 30,000 troops to Iraq. Bush will not really be sending our troops home to stay. Some will come back, but most will be forced to return to Iraq. The "war" over there will be rageing, long into 2008. More car bombs, more suicide bombers. The death toll will rise to new hights. and Bush will do nothing but feed more lies to the American people. Look for people to really be searching for themselves. The Pagan paths will grow, not only in the US, but world wide. The christian faith will decres in number, as more people search for more then just, "Leave it to god" answers. A lot of soul searching will be done this year. I see that happening already. People, will unite. It is still inclear as to why, or how, or who. But, I see people coming together for some reason. It is still foggy. This is what I feel about the new year. Will it happen this way? I don't know. This is the first time I am doing this. This feels really strong, so I am writting it down, and shareing it with people. Maybe soom will, I hope I am wrong. Wrong about a lot of things. Most of this, I don't think I said one good thing. Other then more people will doing more soul searching. And it is still a debate on why people will come together, and unite. I am really worried about that one. Blessed Be, Elder RavenFire.......©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire.